This is technically, our mom's recipe, but Dyl made it. So I'll consider it her's :)
I think this recipe...for a SALAD, mind you...has more pictures than any other post.
Click below to see the recipe....
Light Summer Salad
This is such a light, delicious summer salad...with homemade dressing! You can put whatever you like in the salad, but this is what's in ours:
Salad Ingredients:
- cucumbers
- grape tomatoes
- walnuts
- dried cranberries
Dressing Ingredients:
- 1 thinly sliced tablespoon of shallot {we did not use in this post}
- 1/4 cup of champagne vinegar or white wine vinegar {for a sweeter dressing, balsamic can be used}
- One slice of lemon
- Garlic sea salt
- Pepper
- Smidgen of dijon mustard
- 1/3 cup of olive oil
1. Clean & cut lettuce. Place in a bowl. {More than the amount below, lol}
2. Pour in grape tomatoes, walnuts, & dried cranberries.
Even without the dressing, it already looks good!
Most of this recipe can obviously be explained without pictures, but whatever.
I don't know what you do, but this is how I peel & slice a cucumber ;)
3. Add the cukes to the bowl. Then pour 1/4 of white wine vinegar, champagne OR balsamic into a separate bowl. We used balsamic.
4. Squeeze a slice of lemon into the bowl, & a dash of garlic sea salt & pepper.
5. A smidge of dijon mustard.
6. Stir.
7. Let it sit for 15 minutes. Add one thinly sliced tablespoon of shallots--this is for flavoring.
8. Pour a 1/3 cup of olive oil in slowly & stir.
Pour, stir, & enjoy!
Thanks Dylan {& mom} for another great recipe!
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