Friday, June 15, 2012

{my day in pictures}

{I've decided to do Wishful Wednesday & Fashion Friday every other week. Just FYI.}

I rarely use Instagram, but I captured my day in pictures yesterday for fun. Here we go:

{just woke up...view from my bed}
{my sister & I came downstairs & we were wearing the same pajamas, lol}
{deee-lish gluten-free pancakes for breakfast! 
product review coming soon}
{ironing my dress}
{making our lunches...chinese leftovers}
{LOL....Dylan was cleaning something off the deck--tea leaves, I think}
{my dress}
{my dog about to fall back asleep...with covers!}
{Dyl & I sat in the car for a few minutes before going into work--we just chatted} 
{working hard!!}
{after going to the gym}
{I was sooo tired & sore, but I still took my dog on a run! 
we were chased by two dogs down the entire block. not fun!}
{I rewarded myself with ice cream. well deserved, I think}

& that was my day! Pretty much the same everyday, minus the ice cream :)

I'm off to the the beach today for the weekend. My dad, {who lives 
outside Boston}, is coming down for Father's Day. He's bringing two of my younger brothers & my little sis. I'm so excited to see them!!

Happy Weekend! :)

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