Friday, November 30, 2012

{ten things on friday}

1. I saw the final Twilight/Breaking Dawn film on Wednesday night. By myself.  Total shining moment, I know.  {& is it bad that I kind of liked it?}

The funniest part was during the end credits. When Kristen Stewart's name showed up, this guy in the back of the theater screamed, "How could you cheat on him, KStew?! Why would you hurt him?!  WHY?!" Bahaha. I was dying.

Also...thanks mom.

2. Also worth very first lottery tickets were not the winners  :(  Or at least not the big winner.  $4 from the Powerball is now alllll mine.

3. I am going through another bout of piano withdrawal. I have it bad.

I recorded this video over Thanksgiving break & since it's Christmas-y & full of mistakes, I thought I'd share. {I'm pretty positive it's also from a book for beginners. One of the first songs I learned, & the only Christmas one I know.}

4. I packed up 98% of my clothes & brought them home last weekend. I seriously have NOTHING to wear. Why I left all of my sweatshirts/sweatpants/workout clothes/pajamas but not actual clothes, I'll never understand. 

5. December Photo-A-Day starts tomorrow. I'm gonna try to do them all. I'm really gonna try.

6. I have two presentations & a 30-page paper due next week. Goodbye weekend!

7. I promise I will get back to Wishful Wednesday & Fashion Friday soon. 

8. My stepdad is better than your stepdad.

9. Who's the type of person who forgets EVERYTHING they want come December/Christmas season?!  

This girl. 

10. My 200th post is coming up, so another giveaway is in the works!  

Readers: come out, come out wherever you are!

Happy weekend!