Saturday, September 29, 2012
{october photo-a-day...who's with me?}
I've done Fat Mum Slim's monthly photo challenges a few times this year. I have yet to complete an entire month though.
I'm determined to do every day in October.
Who's with me? You can take photos with your phone or camera.
Every Sunday, I'll post my photos for the week. Tell me if you're doing it so I can follow along!
Here's the challenge:
Happy Photographing!
Friday, September 28, 2012
{that day I painted stripes on my living room wall}
I was going to post a living room tour, but then I remembered I never blogged about my stripe wall!
This was before I had my new camera, so get ready for the world's worst blog post photos. Courtesy of my iPhone.
Taping was the most frustrating part of the entire experience. I was sooooo determined to make the lines perfectly straight. Therefore, it took about two hours. Shout-out to Frog Tape, which made the process a whole lot better.
As you can see in this picture, there is a beam over the hallway opening. That made it easy for me to decide how wide the stripes would be. If I remember correctly, each stripe was 10.25 inches wide. & since the wall was already white, I only needed to paint 4 stripes.
Per my tenant's rules, I could only paint the apartment shades of beige or tan. {Booooring.} I decided to find the GREYEST looking beige out there, because my couch & accessories are grey.
But in the case that I get in trouble, I have the perfect plan. Please excuse the extremely out of focus picture, but if you can squint & read, the name actually has the word "beige" in it. Score.
Before I started painting, I moved the bookshelves into my room & covered all the furniture with plastic. Thank goodness my roommate was out for the day because the place was a mess.
Then I got right to work! I was originally only going to paint the stripes, but then I decided last-minute to paint the other wall too. I'm so glad I did.
Here's what the apartment looked like.
Just looking at the mess has me stressed out again! ;)
I did two coats of paint on each stripe & the wall, & even dried remarkably fast. I started at noon & by 5pm all the tape was off, the paint was dry, & my furniture was back in place.
I was thrilled that not only were the lines straight, but none of the paint bled through the tape. It.looks.awesome.
I'm going to save the after pictures for the living room tour. Come back Monday for pictures!
Happy Weekend!
Thursday, September 27, 2012
{random pictures}
Whenever I have a few minutes here & there, I clean out my photo library. I take SOMANYPICTURESOMG & the space on my computer is dwindling. Any photo that is blurry or pointless, I delete. After every "erase session," I feel so much better ;)
I also love to do this because it gives me a chance to look back at pictures I haven't looked at in a while/didn't pay attention to. I pulled out a few to show you. Some are recent, some not-so-recent.
Because she's adorbs, Violet & a banana:
These next two photos are from my California trip. Both men saw me & my camera & screamed, "Take a picture of me!"
So I did.
Gotta love it.
Spring flowers!
Oh, London. How I miss you.
My nights lately.
Thanks for letting me share!
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
{two movie recommendations}
Celeste & Jesse Forever

I've always stalked Rashida Jones' IMDB & Wikipedia pages to see what she's working on next. & for years I've read, "Untitled Rashida Jones Project." All it said as that she was writing & starring in it. So when I finally saw the poster, trailer, & cast for this movie...I was counting down the days.
I'm not good at writing movie reviews--I'll leave that to my good friend Andrew--so all I'll say is this: go see it. It's both heartbreaking & hilarious, dreamy & real. Rashida is absolutely incredible; her talent seriously has no bounds. Not only is she stunning {ahem, girl crush}, but she effortless slides from comedy to drama. It was also great to see Andy Samberg in a role that wasn't all humor. The guy can act.
I don't think it's in theatres anymore...but when it comes to DVD/OnDemand...see it!
Liberal Arts

I've been waiting to watch Martha Marcy May Marlene for a few months now, but I have yet to see it. So I was SO excited to finally watch a film with Elizabeth Olsen, because I have only heard wonderful things about her. Well, she was adorable & I'm a big fan.
Josh Radnor plays Jesse, a 35-year old admissions office worker who visits his alma mater & falls in love with a 19-year old college student {Olsen}. I thought the movie would be pretty predictable, but is was actually the opposite. Familiar faces made some surprise appearances {like Zac a role that made me like him!} & the soundtrack was AMAZING. All instrumental & opera. Very romantic stuff.
Monday, September 24, 2012
{my day at brown}
How was everyone's weekend?
I was in need of some major BFF time. Remember the friend of mine who sent me that lovely friendship note?
Isha. I needed to see her.
It just so happens that my other friend, Ashley, is looking into Brown for grad school. So when Isha told us about the Brown/Harvard football game, we hopped on a train to Providence. I've been to this game three years in a row {remember this old post?} & I was so excited to go back. It's hard to get the college game experience at my school since we don't have a football team ;)
On Saturday morning, Boston's weather was rainy, windy, & dreary. The entire train ride we hoped the weather would clear up. Um, it did.
Once we arrived, we headed to Thayer Street for some lunch.
& then Isha took us on a campus tour. I've been here a few times, but it was Ashley's first. I can't get over how pretty this school is. It makes me almost regret going to a city school.
Only at Brown, right? ;)
After the tour, we headed back to her apartment to meet up with a friend we went to high school with. Erin goes to Harvard & came down for the game. It was so great catching up!
The field...
Perfect football night!!
We left at half-time in order to make our train, but even though the trip was short, we had a blast!
Highlights of the day {besides seeing Isha}: Getting mistaken for a Harvard student.
I obviously look like a branic, no big deal.
{Oh, but this is also happened. I asked Isha if the leaves were always in between the Brown "B" on the field. & her friend said, "Yeah. Brown's pretty proud of its Ivy status."
Ivy. Not leaves.
I obviously go to Harvard.}
Also, I tested out the video on my new camera. I need to work on my recording skillz a little more...
Until next time Providence!
Saturday, September 22, 2012
{photos from my new camera}
This guy arrived:
& after charging up the battery, I walked around the city for a few hours & snapped away.
I've mentioned it before on this blog...but I've never been a huge fan of Boston. I don't really know why, but for some reason...I can't wait to leave this city.
'Cause it's working.
Friday, September 21, 2012
{fashion friday--GAP sale today!}

This is just a little reminder that GAP is having a great sale today. They are taking 25% off ALL Sale items. I just went through the sale tag, & lemme tell ya...I could've bought, like, 34 different things.
Because I never seem to have enough bras...Lacy T-Shirt Bra-- $27.00
Because I love San Francisco {& also because this one doesn't have GAP in big letters across the front}...San Francisco City T-- $14.24
Because these are my favorite pants ever...{remember this old FF?}...1969 Cropped Legging Jeans--$45.00
Because I need cooler pajamas from my hotter-than-hot room...Poplin Ruffle Short--$9.75
I've been taking pictures of my feet lately. Apologies to my Instagram followers. But since this is a fashion post...
1) My fall boots made an appearance yesterday. First time in eight months. It felt good to wear 'em again. {Ralph Lauren, from DSW}
2) GAP Outlet shoes. They came in navy & pink & I'm still kicking myself for not buying them in every color.
3) I forgot to bring my rainboots back to school :( So my Burberry rain shoes are getting lots of game time this fall.
4) My family members have some pretty kick-ass jobs. For example, my uncle works at Converse. Which is owned by Nike. Which also owns Cole Haan. Therefore...the only reason why I would own Cole Haan cheetah flats. Love.
Outfits from my first two weeks.
I have a fun few days ahead that I'll post about on Monday.
Can anyone guess what's coming in the mail today?!?!?!? :) :) If you hear someone screaming with joy, that's me.
Happy Weekend!!
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