This weekend was so great!
The weather is doing wonders for my mood. Not that I'm NOT happy these days, but the warm temps & constant sunshine are putting even more pep in my step.
{I'd like to add that this weather we're having is, apparently, highly unusual. We're actually in a drought. It's supposed to be rainy & foggy…yet it's only rained two days since I arrived in October. I'm convinced I brought the sunshine. Ha!}

^^the sandals came out again
On Saturday I started the day with my roommates--who are awesome, by the way--interviewing some girls to take one of our soon-to-be-empty rooms. So interesting to be on the other side of the table for that whole process.
Then I headed to community music center to play the piano. This was mine for one hour:
I was in heaven.
Even walking around---hearing the strings play & horns warm up & voices singing scales---I felt more like myself than I have in a while. Music used to be SUCH a huge part of my life, but through college & beyond, it's taken a back seat. Not to sound overly sappy or weird, but having my fingers play for an hour & being able to sing without worrying if my roommates could hear me did wonders for my soul.
^^song by Coldplay, usually played much slower
So this will be a regular spot for me on the weekends…until I get my keyboard out here.
The rest of the day was so low key. I sat in the sun & read for a while, then checked out some stores, & walked to get some ice cream. It was too warm not to.
^^my neighborhood
I can confirm that I have two ice cream shops within walking distance to my house that have gluten-free cones. Dreamy.
On Sunday I hung up my curtains & FINALLY selected a wall color. More on that soon.
I ended the weekend just as I had started it---interviewing potential roommates with my current ones. I think we made a good choice.
Hope everyone's weekend was as good as mine! What'd ya do?
Happy Monday.
Happy Monday.
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