Monday, January 20, 2014

{a trip to the conservatory of flowers}

The amazing weather continued the entire weekend, so I spent nearly all of yesterday outside. After brunch, I walked to Golden Gate Park. 

Specifically, the Conservatory of Flowers...

^^they had a special butterfly exhibit

^^only view I could get ;) he chilled like that the whole time

^^there's something about water droplets that make it impossible not to photograph them

^^I couldn't help myself

I headed home a few hours, but still refused to go inside! So I ventured down to our patio & painted some picture frames. It was both a success & disaster--I made some rookie mistakes. Luckily they turned out okay enough to use. You'll see them in an upcoming post.

There are so many things to see inside GG Park it's impossible to do it all in one day! It's within walking distance to my apartment, so I know I'll be going there quite often. Next time I want to rent a bike, bring some lunch, & check out the Japanese Tea Garden.


  1. My family and I were visiting my cousin who just moved to SF too over break and visited the Conservatory of Flowers, it was beautiful!! Though none of the pics I took are as awesome as the ones you took here :) Sounds like you're having a blast, it's amazing out there!

    1. Thanks! It's a great spot to visit.

      Let me know if you're out here again!! Miss you!
