Tuesday, December 3, 2013

{giving tuesday}

Today is #GivingTuesday!

I didn't buy anything on Black Friday or Cyber Monday, but I'm giving today.

I donated to two charities that I believe in:

The Celiac Disease Foundation is a non-profit, public benefit corporation dedicated to providing services and support regarding celiac disease and dermatitis herpetiformis, through programs of awareness, education, advocacy and research. 

I have had celiac disease for almost five years. It took four years to diagnose. As I'm typing this blog post, I'm in pain. It isn't often that I feel the effects of celiac, but when I do, it brings me right back to those years of doctor appointments, random symptoms, and suffering. I don't take my diagnosis lightly; I am so careful about how I cook my food, how the food I eat is prepared, and how to limit cross contamination. I don't know what I ate in the past few days that's making me feel this way, but I'm so glad that I at least know what's wrong. I hate the fact that there are millions of people out there who are in pain and have no idea what's going on inside their body; people who have no idea how to make themselves feel better. There's a lot of misinformation out there about celiac and gluten intolerance and if it's a fad or diet or a legitimate disorder. I'll be a lifelong advocate of this (real) disease and supporter of any organization that is committed to offering services, spreading awareness, and conducting research for celiac disease. That's why I donated to this foundation. 

The American Cancer Society is the nationwide, community-based, voluntary health organization dedicated to eliminating cancer as a major health problem by preventing cancer, saving lives, and diminishing suffering from cancer, through research, education, advocacy, and service.

Cancer runs in my family. It has brought us closer, it has reminded us to live each day to the fullest, and it has taught us to tell people you love them. It has made me appreciate people more. Some of my family has beat the odds, while others have sadly succumbed to the disease. So I donated for them. In honor of my grandmother, who is now cancer-free after living with Stage IV colon and liver cancer. In honor of my grandfather, who is now in remission after battling colon, prostate, and bladder cancer. In remembrance of my aunt, who lost her fight against a rare form of cancer in February. And in remembrance of one of my favorite teachers, who lost his fight against cancer a few years ago. 

There are so many charities that need our help. Please visit the #GivingTuesday website to learn more or donate to a charity of your choice today. 

And help spread the word!!

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