This weekend I took a breather from the city & went up north to a little town on the coast. My mom & stepdad drove up from home to spend the weekend, and our main focus was to just hang & catch up. We stayed at my aunt's house & it's one of my favorite places ever. She & my uncle bought the house five years ago & it was a major fixer-upper; but with a lotta love & sweat, it's totally transformed into one of the coolest homes. It's old & new, cozy & eclectic, colorful & fun. Unfortunately I didn't have a very wide lens on me, but hopefully you'll get the point :)
Here's their son's room. It's so light & happy!

Their daughter's room. {I made the tissue paper balls!}

The whole house is filled with the coolest light fixtures {& amazing original ceilings}. Case in point:

I'm in love with every rug & floor:

& every piece of artwork:

Two of my favorite parts of the house are the surfboard in the family room & picture frame wallpaper:

The icing on the cake? Their view:

Sorry for the picture overload, but this house was too cool not to share. In my next post, I'll show some pics of what we did during the day :)
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