To get back into the swing of things, here are random trains of thought:
+ Fall weather has arrived here & it's heavenly. In fact, it's colder here today than it is back east! {by one degree, but still.}
+ I'm almost one year post-injury & my ankle is so much stronger than I anticipated! I'm certainly not back to normal {& may never be, ugh} but I've been able to go on a few hikes! The first two photos are from one in Half Moon Bay back in September. Hikes with views of both the forest & the ocean are my favorite.
+ I don't take as many candids with my nice camera as I would like to, but I've done about three portrait sessions in the past few months & I've loved every second. I wish I could share some of the images, but I don't think they'd appreciate popping up on my blog. But if there are readers in SF who'd like some new portraits, give me a holler. {Because we all need new LinkedIn, Facebook, & dating app profile pics, amiright?}
+ Not exaggerating when I say having a car out here has changed my life. I use it all the time. Every Sunday morning I take a drive out to Marin, grab breakfast at a gluten free bakery, coffee from a place that has eight! choices of beans, & then I just wander. It's amazing.
+ I watched The Holiday two weeks ago & have been listening to the score every day at work. It's not only festive, but the perfect background noise to the many emails I write. Hans is my favorite. {I was actually deleting old photos on my Aperture library yesterday & I found a photo I took on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. The star in the ONLY photo I took of the walk did not belong to a famous actor, but to the legendary composer Hans Zimmer. lol}
+ I'm so happy to be headed home for Thanksgiving next week! We're keeping things small this year with just our own family instead of hosting, so the day will be low-key. My fave. {But I've read the Real Simple, Martha Living, HGTV, & O Mag holiday issues, so to say I'm ready for any holiday "what-if" scenario would be an understatement.}
+ Grief is a funny thing... I've teared up at the thought of our dog recently so many times. It's so embarrassing. I found this photo of him yesterday completely un-edited, which means I hadn't really looked at it that closely before. It's from Thanksgiving a few years ago, & while I'd like to say he was looking at me right in the eyes & straight into my soul because he loved me that much....I think it's because I was holding a piece of turkey right above the camera. Miss him.

More soon. I hope.
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