Thought I'd do a catch up on random things...
+ First... how pretty are those flowers above?! I originally wanted to get peonies, but after learning they were $8.50 per! flower! {can you say w t f}, I settled for ranunculus.
+ I'm so happy people are enjoying the new Working Girls series! Many more fantastic interviews are down the pipeline, so make sure to come back & read! I'll be posting one interview per week.
+ Get ready for more design posts because...I'm moving! Not far—just to the room next door to mine in my apartment. It's way larger, has a much more natural light, & even has a fireplace! I have been Pinteresting-ing & browsing stores like crazy dreaming up my new space. I can't wait to move in.
+ Only downside is...there is no closet! Anyone have any tips/ideas for closet-less rooms? I'm not loving any wardrobe I'm finding {plus they are all pretty pricey}, so I'll be using clothes racks in the meantime. Which may finally force me to try doing a capsule wardrobe?
+ This weekend I spent a looooooong overdue 18 hours with my bff from high school while she was in town. It was such a whirlwind of a visit, but we took full advantage of every second.

+ No offense to that gal above, but I think I was most excited about going on my first hike post injury! It's been over six months since my last one & I'm so happy to be back, quite literally, on my feet. {I wish I could show you the dramatic picture I made my bff take of me standing on a rock in celebration of this momentous occasion, but my eyes are closed in both?! of them, so...}
+ May weather in SF was terrible. While we desperately needed the sprinkles of rain we've been getting, I'm not a fan of the cold & cloudy temps! Here's to hoping June is better, even though I'm writing this as it's raining outside :/
+ Happy June!!
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