First, I want to say thank you to everyone for the kind response to my last blog post. It was shared on Facebook & emailed around a few times, & I'm very humbled by the small response.
There are a few reasons for the radio silence, but nothing I'll bore you with! Instead, how about a catch up? Month by month.
End of December...
I spent Christmas at home! I literally didn't see any friends & instead just spent time with family. And for a girl who lives far away in CA, I was perfectly fine with that. {The walking cast & bad cold I had the entire time made it even easier to do that.}

^^those giant ornaments are always my fave decorations

I also took some photos of Dylan, which just confirmed my love of taking portraits of people.

I was still in the walking cast, so to get my mind off of it, I went down to Newport Beach over the long weekend. The slow walk to the beach was worth it, though. I tell ya...Balboa Island has my heart.
Later in the month, I graduated to an ankle brace {yes, I'm also giving you the play by play of my recovery} & my bff from college came to visit! I played tour guide the entire weekend & we had a total blast. She ended up staying longer than planned because of a big snow storm back east, so we had lots of time to catch up.
{ps. this was around the time when I was feeling done with it all. little did I know.}

I took some portraits of a friend, & man...working with someone this gorge is not a tough job. Her dog was even photogenic!

Shortly after, my dad came to visit, I bought a car {!!!}, & we road-tripped down to Carmel for a night. I couldn't stop taking pictures of this dreamy town!

^^I shamefully did not buy anything from the Cottage of Sweets

^^I feel like I need this?
A little more on that new car of mine... I was it's owner for NOT EVEN A WEEK when this happened:
^^if only I had broken my left ankle
I was put in a cast!! And the only thing more embarrassing than being picked up in an Uber with a red, wet face from crying really hard was wearing those paper balloon shorts too! I was the driver's second ride ever & he probably quit right after. {tip: don't wear nice j.crew leggings to the orthopedist if you're not willing to either 1) cut them or 2) wear those paper shorts home.}
My pride continued to take a hit this month.
^^yeah, I went there

^^and there
Although that contraption {the iWalk 2.0} looks ridiculous, it allowed me to leave my crutches at home & enjoy two shoots in LA & vacation with my family.
^^omgggggg I missed her
^^I sold like 10 iWalks at this farmer's market alone. I should've had my own stand! :)

^^dessert breakfast at M Café
^^my last weekend with long hair


^^LA <3
Longest post ever? Maybe. But at least I'm finally caught up! Hopefully it'll be back to regularly scheduled blogging around here soon.
Now if you could all send good vibes my ankle's way...I'd greatly appreciate it. I get my cast off tomorrow & I'm praying it's finally healed. I have a bad feeling it hasn't.