Friday, February 15, 2013

{confessional friday link-up}

I'm linking up with Leslie over at A Blonde Ambition for Confession Friday! If you haven't visited her so It's one of my faves.

Here are my confessions...

...I confess that all week I've been sneaking in tastes of the cream cheese icing I bought for my cinnamon rolls. I blame my sophomore year roommate for getting me hooked on pretzels & icing. {I'm lookin' at you Kayla.} It's amazing. Trust me.

...I confess that I watched 7th Heaven this week {remember that show?} & I confess that I cried.  {It was an episode about the armed forces.}

...I confess that I look like this when I wake up in the morning:

Bangs. Sigh.

...I confess that I've been on a Mexican food kick all week. Enchiladas, quesadillas, nachos, Chipotle. So bad, but soooo good.

...I confess that I didn't leave my apartment until 5:30pm yesterday. I worked allll day on blog stuff & by 5 o'clock I was stumbling around from blurry computer eyes. So I ran to my roommate's office & walked home with her to get some fresh air. It felt amazing to run!

...I confess that I'm way more excited to go to Disneyland in two weeks than a 21-year-old probably should.

...I confess that I nearly jumped for joy when my boss texted me about having no work on Monday. I love my job, but man alive do I love days off.

...Finally, I confess that I'm hoping to get a few "likes" on the brand spankin' new Lively Liv Facebook page & followers on Twitter. I'll make it worth your while :)  {see the icons in the top right hand corner}

Happy Weekend!