Tuesday, May 7, 2013

{finally, a real blog post}

It's been so long since I sat down & wrote a real blog post. I was going through the past few weeks of Lively Liv last night, & I had two guest posts, one DIY project, one bullet-list that I passed off as a post, &...I think that's it. So lame!

Let's catch up...

Graduation is this weekend. Oh. My. Gosh. But I'll get there in a second.

So...I officially moved home until further notice. I always thought I'd be the girl who went right from her last college apartment right into my first "real" apartment. I also thought I'd be employed right off the bat.


So yeah. Home until further notice.

In the field I'm going into, many jobs are on need-basis, so I couldn't really apply too far in advance. But the whole process is much more...slow? than I originally anticipated. I have lots of good contacts in place, so I'm busy working them.

My twin sister & stepsister--who are both graduating from college this month as well--are both employed already. So you can imagine why I'm feeling a bit impatient. I'm lucky though, because my parents aren't the type to be eyeing their watch while throwing judgey glares at me like when are you gonna get a job girl? They want that to happen ASAP, but recognize that each of their children goes at their own pace. {Even so, Dyl & Madison totes win best daughter awards this month.}

Surprisingly, home has actually been great. & I've been so SO busy.  I've been hanging with my dog, going to the gym, chilling with my parents, working on that website, photographing people & companies, & practicing for a wedding I'm singing at in two weeks. But still. Hire me, please?

In the past three weeks, I've hit up five cities: LA, Philly, DC, Alexandria, & Boston. & this weekend I'll be in Chicago, NYC, & Boston again. Dyl's graduation is on Friday, mine's on Sunday. Craziness!  Getting my cap & gown yesterday made it so real.

I'll be back soon. Happy Tuesday! {& sorry for the lack of photos.}

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