Thursday, April 4, 2013

{what i'm missing}

Living in a new city across the country from my home has been amazing! It's definitely an experience I'll never regret. But after seeing my family this weekend, I'm feeling nostalgic for some of the things at home. 

My piano. 

Not just playing it. But the actual piano.
The shiny, gorgeous one at my mom's house.

& even the old, slightly-out-of-key, sticker-riddled one at my dad's.

My dog.

This girl.
I'm going through some serious sister withdrawal right now.
I wish I could show her cute face, but I don't want her all over the internet :)

My front yard.
I miss seeing these spring flowers. 
{although it's been so dreary at home, they're probably still in the ground.}

Our beach house.
It's still undetermined where I'll be this summer--hopefully at a new job--so I don't know 
how often I'll be going here. The simplicity of it just...calms me.

Bang-less hair.
I love my bangs, but I'm thinking about growing them out.
I go back and forth daily. Thoughts?

I know. I can't believe I'm saying it either. 
I'm not moving back. But I do miss this view.

I'll be seeing all these things in just a few weeks. {Besides the hair one. If only...}

It needs to come faster! :)

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